
Palau Mutual Evaluation Onsite Visit

7 December 2017

The onsite visit for the mutual evaluation of Palau was conducted from 20 November – 1 December 2017.

The mutual evaluation team consisted of the following experts:

• Mr. Jimmy Sendersly, Solomon Islands (FIU Assessor)

• Mr. Kenneth Chin Jiayang, Singapore (Legal Assessor)

• Mr. Muhammad Afzaal Khattak, Pakistan (Financial Assessor)

• Mr. Rick Wang, Chinese Taipei (Financial Assessor)

• Ms. Rosanna Celona, Australia (Law Enforcement Assessor)

• Mr. David Becker & Dr. Mohammad AL Rashdan (UFA Secretariat)    

This mutual evaluation was conducted using the 2013 FATF assessment methodology which focusses on both technical compliance with the FATF international standards and the effectiveness of the jurisdiction’s AML/CFT measures.

The evaluation team acknowledged the cooperation and assistance of the Palau authorities and the hospitality extended to the team during the onsite visit.

Palau’s mutual evaluation report will be considered at the next UFA Annual Meeting in July 2018.

Palau ME